Our first meeting garden railway meeting of 2024 (after our winter excursion on the Vale of Rheidol, taking in the workshop and museum) was extremely well attended, and thankfully the rain held off right through to the end of a long and enjoyable running day. The railway now extends almost all the way to what will be its terminus, once a tunnel and station site has been excavated, and the last few metres of track laid. As it is, the end to end line has five stations plus and additional passing loop, and with so many visitors, we saw a great variety of stock running on the line, much of which is pictured in the photographs below.
Railway in the Valley of the Mill
May ‘23 meeting at The Railway in the Valley of the Mill
Our May meeting took place on a beautifully sunny – even hot – day, at the end to end Railway in the Valley of the Mill, which climbs around a couple of metres to its current terminus (with further extension work currently under way).
May ’21 “mini-meeting” 1 at the Railway in the Valley of the Mill
With the easing of pandemic restrictions allowing meetings of up to 6 people in private gardens, a few of us participated in the first “mini-meeting” reintroducing physical meet-ups for the first time since December 2019 at the delightful end-to-end Railway in the Valley of the Mill, where we enjoyed distanced socialising along with coffee, biscuits and even a barbecue!