Our June meeting took place at Alpenferry, currently perhaps the only 45mm gauge layout in our group(?) though it won’t be the only one soon! It is a G scale layout in an alpine setting, featuring two (physically separate) loops capable of independent running.
Meeting Report
May 19 Meet at the Rhos and Betws Tramway
For our May meeting we returned to the Rhos and Betws Tramway. This includes a large circuit with two stations, each with passing loops, so there’s scope for running in both directions at once! But without a block tokens, we mostly ran the same way… with up to 3 locos in steam at the same time.
April 19 meet at the Hoffnant Valley Railway
The second of our April meetings took pace on the delightful 32mm gauge Hoffnant Valley Railway. The line features two separate running loops, one on the level and one which requires a certain amount of driving! There is a quayside station and out and back running to the covered storage.
April 19 Meet at Pembrey Country Park
For the first of our April meetings we went along to the Llanelli & District Model Engineering Society‘s spring rally at Pembrey Country Park to run on the small 32mm gauge layout right behind the station.
March 19 Meet at the Lambak Garden Railway
For once we enjoyed beautiful sunshine for our meeting at the Lambak Garden Railway on the last Saturday of March. As well as a selection of visiting 16mm scale trains running on this 32mm gauge line, there was a display of beautiful 7/8ths models. Not to mention some wonderful finger food, cakes and biscuits and plenty of tea and coffee!
August 18 Meet at the Merlins Castle Line
On a rather drizzly August day, the group visited the Merlins Castle Line.
June 18 Meet at the Brockhampton & Umbridge Railway
On a damp June day we assembled at the Brockhampton and Umbridge Railway to run trains and eat plenty of excellent cake.